These are posts about some of the projects I have worked on related to game development and computer graphics.


  • On Fun and Games

    In this post, I’ve briefed my journey to understand games, what makes them fun, and how I translate this understanding to making my designs. Along the way, I’ve trodden on the path paved by the experts before, expanded on their ideas where I can, and hopefully urged you to consider different perspectives with the points I made and questions I asked.

  • Acceleration Structures of Unity GPU Ray Tracer

    In this post, I want to talk about my work in optimizing my ray tracer. It has been a challenging journey, but I feel the pride to announce that I have managed to achieve real-time ray tracing.

  • Compute Shader Basics of Unity GPU Ray Tracer

    Now that we have taken a look into Editor layout, we can move on to the most crucial part of my Unity ray tracer, the compute shader. You can check my GitHub repository for the whole project.

  • Editor layout of Unity GPU Ray Tracer

    In this post, I will go over the components and scripts used in the editor. You can check my GitHub repository for the whole project.

  • Introduction to GPU Ray Tracing in Unity

    We are expected to implement a CPU ray tracer in my CENG795 Advanced Ray Tracing lecture written in C++. After an agreement with my lecturer, I have started to implement my ray tracer in Unity using Compute Shaders. The main reason behind this decision was to use the coding projects given in the lecture as a medium for deepening my knowledge and experience in Unity and shaders.

  • My 3D Low Poly Passion Project

    For Gateway 2018, a game convention held in METU Informatics Institute, I have prepared Rise of the Square Pyramid, my first passionate 3D game made in Unity.

  • Global Game Jam 2019

    This year I have attended my first ever game jam organized by ATOM Teknokent (Animasyon Teknolojileri ve Oyun Geliştirme Merkezi) in Ankara.